Women Aware Produces Law Video Series on Victims’ Rights
“Victims’ Rights: Understanding and Accessing the Protections Afforded by Law”
Women Aware recently produced a series of law videos titled, “Victims’ Rights: Understanding and Accessing the Protections Afforded by Law.” This project is co-sponsored by the New Jersey State Bar Foundation and made possible through funding from the IOLTA Fund of the Bar of New Jersey. The videos are available on Women Aware’s YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSedUy8iqP8WVftiMSP9m7Q).
The 5 to 10-minute videos address the topics of Restraining Orders, Immigration, Child Custody, Sexual Assault, and Victims’ Rights/Victim Advocacy. They feature attorneys and advocates from Women Aware, the lead domestic violence agency in Middlesex County, the Middlesex County Prosecutor’s Office, the Middlesex County Center for Empowerment, and Central Jersey Legal Services. Videos were filmed in English, Spanish, and Urdu to educate the diverse communities that make up Middlesex County.
“We are fortunate to have bilingual in-house experts and partners in the Middlesex County Family Justice Center who provide practical information on these challenging topics,” explained Women Aware CEO Phyllis Yonta. “Our hope is these videos will prompt victim-survivors to contact Women Aware or the Family Justice Center for direct assistance. We are grateful to the New State Bar Foundation and IOLTA for making this educational outreach possible.”
Individuals seeking additional information can contact Women Aware’s 24-hour hotline at 732-249-4504 or toll-free at 833-249-4504 or walk in to the Middlesex County Family Justice Center to speak with an advocate. The FJC is located at 100 Bayard Street, New Brunswick, and is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The information provided in the vides is offered by attorneys and advocates who practice in various areas related to domestic violence, as well as some Women Aware staff. The material provided in these videos is for informational purposes only; it is not intended to take the place of legal advice provided by an individual’s attorney. There is no attorney-client relationship created through these videos; Women Aware’s goal is to inform and educate the public, and to answer some frequently-asked questions about a number of topics under the broad umbrella of domestic violence.